San Francisco, CA

  • 1.  Fun Fact Friday!!

    Posted 10-27-2023 17:58

    This week's Fun Fact Friday is brought to you by…..


    Did you know….

    That trick-or treating has existed since medieval times?! Back then, it was known as "guising" in Scotland and Ireland. Young people dressed up in costumes and went door-to-door looking for food or money in exchange for performing songs, poems, or other "tricks." The holiday itself dates back more than 2,000 years! It started as a Celtic festival called Samhain, which means "summer's end." The fest recognized the last day of the fall harvest and spirts crossing over, since they believed the veil between the living and spirit world grew thinnest at that time.

    Have a great weekend!

    Imelda Ayala
    Sr. Talent Acquisition Manager
    Dynamic Office & Accounting Solutions
    Danville CA
    (888) 303-5627